Cat. No Name Application Reactivity Host Datasheet
AK0235Phospho-PKC Antibody Sampler KitWBDownload Datasheet
AK0236Phospho-SAPK/JNK Pathway Antibody Sampler KitWBHuman, Mouse, RabbitRabbitDownload Datasheet
AK0237Phospho-Smad Antibody Sampler KitWBDownload Datasheet
AK0238Phospho-Stat Antibody Sampler KitWBDownload Datasheet
AK0239Phospho-Syk Antibody Sampler KitWBDownload Datasheet
AK0240Phospho-TSC2 Antibody Sampler KitWBDownload Datasheet
AK0241Phospho-VEGF Receptor 2 Antibody Sampler KitWBDownload Datasheet
AK0242PI3 Kinase Antibody Sampler KitWBDownload Datasheet
AK0243Pim Kinase Antibody Sampler KitWB, ELISAHuman, Mouse, RabbitRabbitDownload Datasheet
AK0244PKC Isoform Antibody Sampler KitWBDownload Datasheet
AK0245PLCγ Antibody Sampler KitWBDownload Datasheet
AK0246Polo-like Kinase Antibody Sampler KitWBDownload Datasheet
AK0247Polycomb Group Antibody Sampler KitWBDownload Datasheet
AK0248PPARγ Regulated Fatty Acid Metabolism Antibody Sampler KitWBDownload Datasheet
AK0249Pro-Apoptosis Bcl-2 Family Antibody Sampler KitWB, ELISAHuman, Mouse, RabbitDownload Datasheet
AK0250Procaspase Antibody Sampler KitWB, ELISAHumanRabbitDownload Datasheet
AK0251Progesterone Receptor Signaling Antibody Sampler KitWBDownload Datasheet
AK0252Pro-Survival Bcl-2 Family Antibody Sampler KitWBDownload Datasheet
AK0253Protein Folding and Stability Antibody Sampler KitWBDownload Datasheet
AK0254PTEN and PDK1 Antibody Sampler KitWBDownload Datasheet
AK0255Raf Family Antibody Sampler KitWBDownload Datasheet
AK0256Rag Protein Antibody Sampler KitWBDownload Datasheet
AK0257Rb Antibody Sampler KitWBDownload Datasheet
AK0258Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Antibody Sampler KitWBHumanMouse, RabbitDownload Datasheet
AK0259Rho-GTPase Antibody Sampler KitWBHuman, MouseRabbitDownload Datasheet
AK0260Rig-I Pathway Antibody Sampler KitWBDownload Datasheet
AK0261Sequestosome Signaling Antibody Sampler KitWB, ELISAHuman, Mouse, RabbitRabbitDownload Datasheet
AK0262SHP-2 Antibody Sampler KitWBDownload Datasheet
AK0263Sirtuin Antibody Sampler KitWBDownload Datasheet
AK0264Smad 1/5/9 Antibody Sampler KitWBDownload Datasheet
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