Protein Biology, Protein ladders

AceColor™ prestained Protein marker (25-300 kDa)

  • Catalog Number : A1057
  • Number : A1057
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AceColor™ Prestained Protein Ladder is a ready-to-use formulation containing nine prestained proteins ranging from 25 to 300 kDa, including distinct reference bands: an orange band at 72 kDa and a green band at 25 kDa. It is specifically designed for monitoring protein separation during SDS-PAGE, verifying protein transfer during Western blotting onto PVDF, nylon, or nitrocellulose membranes, and estimating approximate protein sizes. The ladder is provided in a convenient gel-loading buffer, requiring no heating, dilution, or addition of reducing agents before use. Lot-to-lot variation in the apparent molecular weights of prestained proteins is consistently less than 3%.

General Information

Important Information:

1.  Prestained proteins may exhibit variable migration patterns depending on the SDS-PAGE buffer system used.

     For accurate estimation of molecular weights, calibrate the prestained ladder against unstained protein

     standards run simultaneously under identical conditions. Refer to the provided table for migration patterns

     across different electrophoresis conditions.

2.  In gels with low acrylamide concentration (<10%), low-molecular-weight proteins in the ladder may migrate

     close to or with the dye front.

3.  AceColor™ Prestained Protein Ladder is suitable for Western blotting applications and compatible with commonly

     used membranes, including PVDF,  nylon, and nitrocellulose.

4.  Proteins larger than 100 kDa may require extended transfer times or increased voltages during the Western blot

     transfer step.


Migration patterns of Prestained Protein Ladder:

The apparent molecular weight of each protein (kDa) has been determined by calibration against an unstained protein ladder in each electrophoresis.

Product Use Limitation

For Research Use Only. Not for Diagnostic Purposes.

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